Club Advisor Tony Hughes was recently in touch to provide an update regarding Games to Aid Recovery program, “Operation Cuddles”.
Here’s what he had to say:
“The program delivered 40 brand new cuddly toys to CARAD (Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees) at the Perth Head Office this morning.
“The cuddly toys will be distributed to families of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees by CARAD family support workers.
“A big thank you to the many individual supporters and friends who have donated over the past 3 weeks to enable us to fulfil this current request of support.
“Thanks also to Perth Glory FC who have once again partnered ‘Operation Cuddles’ by donating ‘Glorya’ Kangaroos.
“The cuddly toys range from baby comforters to soft toys for young children.
“One the one hand, the cuddly toys offer a personal comfort to a child that has experienced trauma and uncertainty in their lives.
“Secondly, the gifts offer a message of hope to parents that the local community cares about them.
Pictured at the top of the article is the group of cuddly toys awaiting delivery and a delighted Ehsan receiving them from Janis and Tony Hughes on behalf of CARAD.