As a long-standing corporate sponsor of Save the Children, Glory was naturally quick to get behind the global charity’s Live and Learn program.
The program supports migrant and refugee children and families from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, many of whom are fleeing conflict and persecution.
Participating in organised sport has long been recognised as a key component in helping young people from refugee backgrounds settle successfully into their new environment and that is one of the reasons why Glory’s Community and Development Manager, Callum Salmon, feels that the Live and Learn program is such a great fit with the club.
“With football being the world game,” he said, “it is something that most of these kids know and enjoy regardless of where they’re from. As such, it’s a great way for the club to connect and celebrate our rich and culturally diverse community in a way all kids can embrace.”
Salmon went on to explain Glory’s involvement in the program, which included giving a group of youngsters the chance to play on the pitch at nib Stadium during the half-time interval of our Round 24 game against Melbourne Victory.
“In addition to attending games,” he said, “we have had the kids attend Glory training sessions and our players drop into the program to kick a ball around with them and chat informally.
“It’s a great opportunity for our players, as role models, to reinforce positive messages such as the importance of healthy living, working hard to achieve your goals and respecting everyone in sport and life in general.”
For more information about the fantastic work being done by Save the Children within the Live and Learn program, click HERE.
With thanks to Jason Tither